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Old October 9, 2014, 05:53:01 PM
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Magmaster12 Magmaster12 is offline
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Me Myself and Time - Our group has become lost in a foggy forest and Ash has been separated from the group. He then comes across a weird woman who then disappears. Ash then attacks a random girls Baltoy. The girl is looking around the forest for artifacts who hopes to be an archaeologists despite her parents wanting her to be a doctor. She's in the forest because she got a phone call asking for help from this lady Ash saw earlier. Team Rocket almost does there motto twice in order to get the lady to hand over the artifacts in the area of course they're soon defeated. This episode is basically about this girl there is no reason at all for Ash to be present here. It turns out the woman in this episode is actually the girl from the future! um what? Still this episode is no where near as bad as the next episode in this show that uses time travel, or the other one I'm gonna cover next. I like how once Ash regroups with everyone they ask if he wants lunch before they rush off, even though the sun is clearly setting.


A fan with a Plan - All right it's time for another contest this time it's one that requires someone to have earned at least one ribbon. Drew comes across a bunch his fangirls (seriously they're drooling over him) only for him to reject them. Of course the fan girls are also in love with May since she's well known because her dad is a gym leader. One of the fan girls is the usual rival of the contest. Ash is jeliosu of all the attention May is getting which is pretty understandable because in Hoenn alone he's trained a lot harder then May. It's revealed the coordinator of the week is actually a homemaker with a daughter. I like how Brock is able to relate with her for taking care of a family and she tells Brock that with his skills he could meet plenty of woman, lol. This is the famous Arbok evolve into Seviper episode by the way. May of course let's all the fame she's getting from her f an girls get to her head which will play a role in the next episode. Jessie is mad about being unable to enter the contest without a ribbon so she steals Savannah's and May's ribbons, I like how James and Meowth are completely bored by this knowing it won't benefit them. I already know what's going to happen so I'm going to wrap up here. It's a really good set up for May's character development.


Cruisin for a Loosin - Yeesh 4kids thanks for the spoilers. May seems quite confident sbout winning the contest this time. While Drew is acting as cool as usual and tells her to forget what she's won and think about the future. This is really smart advise because May is clearly over confident. Of course Drew, May and the coordinator of the day get through to the next round. And gasp May has to of course battle the character of the day. It annoys me a lot May is using Bulbasaur for this contest, a pokemon she just caught and barely trained with over her starter who still is yet to participate in a contest! May gets mad at Ash for trying to offer advice because May believes she knows what she's doing, I've been there before I admit. I also like how Brock is clearly concerned while Drew gives an I told you so face. Of course Drew makes it to the next round. Bulbasaur seeing a big crowd for the first time makes her nervous after seeing May get mad at Ash. The judges are quite mad at May over her lack of concern for Bulbasaur and she ends up loosing. Ash and May have a conversation over how May was kind of right and May has also clearly learned a lesson again this marks a good turning point for her character along with her contest loss until the grand festival. Drew ends up winning the whole contest being one ribbon away from the grand festival, we actually won't see him for quite a while after this.


Pearls are a Spoinks Best Friend - According to Spoink's pokedex entry if it stops bouncing it dies, I think the one in this episode must be some kind of zombie. Basically the plot of this episode is that the group needs to find a Spoink's pearl or it will get really tired, it uses whatever it wants to be it's pearl and hilarity ensues. They find the pearl only to fall into a pitfall and of course get away with the pearl again. They then search for Team Rocket in a circus, where James meet the Magikarp salesman that ripped off James eight seasons ago who offers Jessie a Magikarp painted to look like a Feebas for the pearl only for it to never be seen again. Brock does the smart thng and has his Mudkip use Water Gun on another painted Feebas from a distance. Agn aside form the return of the Magikarp salesman this was a pointless episode.


Last edited by Magmaster12; October 9, 2014 at 06:00:05 PM.