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Old November 11, 2014, 04:22:28 PM
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Magmaster12 Magmaster12 is offline
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Like Meowth to a Flame - Team Rocket have of course some how escaped the desert island from the last episode. However that doesn't matter because the group ends up getting attacked by a bunch of Murkrow however they are saved by a Meowth trainer, since this is the first league episode I can only guess he's the guy that will beat Ash. He's also cruel enough to dress the Meowth up in a hat and boots. Really 4kids you're trying to pass off Ramen as Chicken Noodle Soup, damn 4kids you so racist. Tyson the Meowth trainer, has to rush off from the group however because he's a torch runner and of course Team Rocket wants to steal it. Mr.Goodshow is present who is now a professor apparently, remember him because he's going to be faced out gradually after this. Ash finds out that Morrison hasn't registered for the league yet. Ash decides his Hoenn pokemon deserved to participate in the league on there own so he's not bringing in his reserves something Ash keeps going back and fourth on in future leagues although I think the writers decided on this since you can't trade between Gen II & III. However as Ash is talking to Oak someone steals the torch and of course it's Team Rocket. Ash manages to get the flame back thanks to his Glalie and ability to jump high enough to make Olympic athletes jealous, seriously its pretty funny. Of course Team Rocket is defeated thanks to Tyson's Meowth and Metagross. It's just another typical league introduction episode, but hey this is the last one we're getting.


Saved by the Beldum - The episode starts with Ash training and they run into Morrison who still hasn't registered but he now has his eighth badge and is going to be in the league we also meet all of Morrison Pokemon and we get the return of there insane rivalry which causes them to have a race and fall into a pitfall. Agh seriously Team Rocket? That's such dumb luck it gives me headache. However Tyson comes by with his Meowth and Team Rocket's Meowth refuses to let his pride get the best of him. Morrison has a battle with a guy who seems to be in a contest to find out who has the more annoying voice, however Morrison's voice stands no chance once his Beldum evolves into Metang. Tyson's Meowth then has to fight a Persian which appears to have the upper hand however Tyson's Meowth is just more powerful, however Meowth has a blood lust and wants to continue attacking the Persian so Tyson recalls it. It's after this we learn Meowth's back story and why it hates Persians. Ash's battle is Pikachu against Hitmonlee *sigh* what's the point of only using your Hoenn pokemon if you're going to end up using Pikachu? Of course Ash ends up winning quite easily again. So now it's on to the next round.


Last edited by Magmaster12; November 11, 2014 at 04:58:42 PM.