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Old September 14, 2011, 10:16:33 PM
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Cat333Pokémon Cat333Pokémon is offline

Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Nevada
Posts: 10,303

Again, I would like to remind anyone that the server still needs to be setup, and I make absolutely no guarantees on its quality for about 5-10 more days. The connection will be flaky, and it may lag a bit with many users. Due to waiting for some of the good mods to be verified and updated for 1.8, as well as Bukkit itself needing a full update, it could be a week or two more before the server is fully ready (at least until 1.9). There are also no guarantee of anti-griefing measures beyond standard op/admin powers until then. With this said, I will be quite lenient on griefing for now, but please don't go raiding others' chests or destroying their land.

Please have patience. I'm doing the best I can with this, and I want to ensure the best experience for all fellow Minecraft players.

Edit: As 1.8.1 has just been released, there may be slight additional delay.

Last edited by Cat333Pokémon; September 15, 2011 at 12:53:11 AM.