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Old September 16, 2011, 11:00:05 PM
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Cat333Pokémon Cat333Pokémon is offline

Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Nevada
Posts: 10,303

Bukkit is currently working, but it seems to lag when more than two people connect via Internet. LAN seems unaffected, so it's definitely my connection. I'll talk with KYA about leaving the computer over at his house.

Here is my release wave schedule:

Wave 1: Setting up permissions and confirming the system is working correctly
Wave 2: Letting more people on for gray-/white-hat hacking and testing (looking for security holes and glitches)
Wave 3: Allowing the whitelisted people to check out the server (in limited-sized groups) and make sure it works well for them
Wave 4: Physically moving the server and assigning a static IP, connection testing
Wave 5: Public release

Currently, I'm near the end of Wave 1 and about to enter Wave 2. I predict Wave 5 should be ready by September 25.

If you would like to be a Wave 2 and/or 4 tester, please make a post here with a reason why. If you are selected, you will receive a PM. History of griefing will automatically discount you from being eligible for any testing before Wave 5.