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Old July 4, 2016, 06:51:48 PM
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Dragonite Dragonite is offline
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Spent the weekend with some cousins, and we did a bunch of movie things.

- 2001: Space Odyssey: apparently it's quite famous, though I hadn't even heard of it until Saturday. To those who still haven't seen it, it's one of those plots that you can't tell if is really brilliant because it's open-ended or if the writers were the laziest people in the world. To those who have seen it . . . why is there a giant PS2 buried on the moon? :^)

- My Fair Lady: Actually I was asleep through most of this one, but the beginning and ending were pretty good. Also I'm sure it would cause all kinds of upset-ness on the Internet if it came out today :^)

- Full Metal Jacket: I only actually saw a few minutes one while Grandma wasn't in the room, but . . . well, let's say I'm now sure the flame wars in YouTube comment sections could be trying a little harder :^)

It's been an interesting weekend.