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Old October 3, 2010, 02:28:19 PM
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GrassPokemonFTW GrassPokemonFTW is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 2,222

Finally! I'm back where I was before! JOY!

7th Day: 6th Gym re-do. Oy, having to go through everything was really annoying, but this time, I came out stronger when I got out of Electric Rock Cave. Tesshido proved to be a force to reckon with in the Flying Gym. Here's my team thus far:

Jaroda [Level 36]: YAYZ! *does a dance*
Tesshido [Level 37]: It's a higher level than Jaroda! I used it against the Gym Leader. Curse helped me win.
Mebukijika [Level 35]: YAYZ! *does another dance*
Hahakomori [Level 34]: ...Uh...good job, Hahakomori, you're doin fine.
Erufuun [Level 34]: Finally found out where the Sun Stone is after looking it up.
Tamagetake [Level 32]: [insert training here].