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Old February 11, 2010, 01:21:32 PM
SK's Avatar
SK SK is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
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Default ASCII Art

So yeah... I make ASCII Art. This all started on the RuneScape forums and grew from there. I don't do much ASCII due to school and basketball, but here's some of my art that I've done so far.

One of my favorite things to draw is Pokemon, but I also draw other RuneScape objects and things like that, or sometimes I'll just draw something completely random.

Also, one more thing before I post the art. My RuneScape username is Nub Toast Cy. It was Cy The Toast before that, and before Cy The Toast, it was Cyclone681. So if you see one of those names in my pieces of art, I put it there so that anyone who copied my art over on the RuneScape forums would be easy to identify.

Anyways, here's my art. The RuneScape forums have a font size of Arial 9, so I'll do my best to align my pictures, but some of them may still be a bit off. Please copy/paste them to notepad with the font size at Arial 9 if you want to see them with full accuracy.

Oddish -

……….. ¸¸,,¸¸ ………………... ¸,¸
……….. *•›¸ .*•›¸………….. ¸‹* . *¸
. __ ……… *›¸ .. *›,¸ ……. ¸* ….. *¸
/¸¸,,¸¸ *›¸ ……..*›¸ … *›¸ .. ¸* …….. *¸ ……... ¸‹•****””ˆ¸*
…... *›¸ *›,¸ …… | ……*›.,| ………... | ….. ¸,‹*……..¸,‹*.¸‹••**••›,¸
……... *¸ .. *•›,¸ ¸* ……… | ………... | ¸,‹•* …….¸‹•*. ¸,‹* ... ¸‹•***
………. *›¸ ….. *•›,¸ …… .| ………... | ………. ¸* ¸,‹•* ….. ¸*
…………. *›,¸ …… *•›¸ ... | ………. ¸* …….. ¸,‹•* …….. ¸‹*
…………….. *•›,¸ …... *›¸ | ……... ¸* …... ¸‹•* ……... ¸,‹*
…………………. *•›,,¸¸ …*¸ …. ¸‹*…... ¸‹* . ____¸,‹•*
…………………….. ¸‹•*****””ˆˆ¯¯¯¯ˆ””*****•›¸
………………….. ¸‹* …………………………. *›¸
………………… ¸* …… () ……… () …………... *¸
………………… | …………………………………. |
………………… | ………...___ ………………….. |
………………… *¸ ……... *›¸¸¸‹* ……………….. ¸*
………….. ¸‹•*¯¯*•›¸ ………………….. ¸¸¸¸¸,,,,,,‹*
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……………. *›,¸ ………...*›,¸………….. ¸* .\ .. | .. *¸
………………... *•›,¸_..___¸* …………. | ………... |
…………………………………………... | ………... |
…………………………………………... *¸ ……... ¸*
(C)y The Toast ………………………….. *›,¸¸¸¸,‹*

Charmander -

………………………… ¸,,‹‹••**””ˆˆ””**••››,,¸
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………………... ¸‹•**›¸ …………………………. *•›¸
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…………. ¸* …………………………………………. |
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………... *¸ …………………………………………... |
... ¸,,¸……. *¸ . *¸ ******••••••››››››,,,,,,¸¸¸¸¸¸ …………. |
... | .. *•›,,¸¸ .. *¸ . *›,¸ ………………… ¸,‹•* ………… |
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. *•›,¸ …………… ˆˆˆˆ””””***••••••***””””ˆˆˆˆ …………... |
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©¥ ‡hè …... | ………………………………. *¸ …………... *¸ ………………..¸*\¸¸¸‹* …….. ¸*
‡õàš† ……. | ………………………………… | ……………. | ……………… | ……………. ¯¸*
……………. | ………………………………… | ……………. | ……………… *›,¸ ………... ¸,‹*
……………. | ………………………………… | ……………. | ………………….. ˆ”**•••**”ˆ
Çhårrÿ …… | ………………………………….|…………….. | ……………………. ¸* .. *¸
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……………. | ………………………………….|…………….. | ………………. ¸‹* ……... ¸*
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…………. *›¸ ……. *¸ ………………………… | ………... |
... ¸¸¸,,,,‹‹‹‹••• *›,¸ ….. *›¸ ………………………. *¸ ……... ¸*
. <¸¸¸¸¸¸¸¸¸,,,,,,,,,,,‹‹‹‹•••** ………………………… V . V . V

Pikachu -

……………………… ¸‹•*;ˆ¸
…………………… ¸‹*;;;;;;;¸*
………………….. ¸*;;;;;;;;¸*
………………… ¸* ….;;¸*
……………….. ¸* ….. ¸*
……………… ¸* ….. ¸* ……………………………………………………... ____________________
…………….. ¸* ….. ¸* ………………………….. ¸,‹•*”ˆ*•›¸ ……………….. *¸ ………………………... |
………. ¸‹•*”ˆ …... ˆˆˆ”””***•••›››,,¸ …………. ¸,‹•* ;;;;;;;;¸,‹* ………………….. *¸ …………………….. ¸*
……. ¸‹*…………………………. *•›¸ … ¸,‹•* …..;;¸,‹•* ……………………….. *¸ …………………… |
…... ¸* .. ¸‹•**•›¸ ……………………. ¸,‹•* ….. ¸,‹•* ……… _______________ *¸ ……… ˆˆ””**••››,¸*
…. ¸* … *›,¸¸,.‹* ………... ¸‹•**•›¸ ……… ¸,‹•* …………... *¸ ………………………………. |
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©¥ ‡hè ‡õàš† …………………*¸¸,,‹‹••*…….. *¸¸¸¸,,,‹‹‹‹••••***

Haunter -

…. ¸*¸ ………. ©¥ ‡hè. ‡õàš† .……… ¸*¸
…. *¸;*›¸ ……………………………….¸‹*;¸*
…… *¸;;;*›¸ ………………………... ¸‹*;;;¸*
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……………………… *¸*;;*¸*
………………………... *¸*

Houston Rockets Logo -

…………………… ¸*¸
………………….. ¸*;;;*¸
…………………. •;;;;;;;-•
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………………… |;;;;;;;;;;| ………… ¸,‹*;;;;|
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………………… |;;;;;;;;;;| ……. *•›¸;;;;;*•›¸
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………………… |;;;;;;;;;;| ……….. |;;;;;;;;;;|
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…………………...- \/ ; || ……….- \/ . || . ||
………………………- \/ ……….….- \/ . ||
©¥ ‡hè ‡õàš† ………………………-- \/

Wings -

……………………. ¸•*”ˆ”*•¸ …………………………….…………………….. ¸•*”ˆ”*•¸
…………….. ¸•*”ˆ”*•¸ …… | …………………………….…………………….. | …… ¸•*”ˆ”*•¸
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………... *•›,¸ …………………………………………………………………………………… ¸,‹•*
ѵb ……….. *•›.,¸ ……………………………… ¸,.‹••›.,¸ ……………………………… ¸,.‹•*
‡õàš† …………... ˆ”**••››..,,¸¸ ………… ¸¸,,..‹‹•* ……... *•››..,,¸¸ ………… ¸¸,,..‹‹••**”ˆ
©¥ ……………………………. ˆˆ””*'*””ˆˆ ………………………... ˆˆ””*'*””ˆˆ

Venom (From Spiderman) Symbol -

…………………….. , . - - * ' ' , …... ,- *' ' -, ………………………... ,- ' '* -, …… , ' ' * - - . ,
………………. , . - ' , . . - - *', . ', ... ,' .,-* '-,. '-, … , - ………. - , … ,-' .,-' *-, ' , ... ,' . ,'* - - . . , ' - . ,
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Spartan Helmet -

ѵb …. ,...‹‹--,,••••••--››››..,¸_
‡õàš†' . ', ….. ', …………… ¯º•›,¸
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Mozilla Friefox Logo -

Toast …………………………… _, . . . . . . . . . . ,_
………………………….. ,. - * ' ¯ ………………… ¯ ' * - .,
……………. , …….. , - ' …………………………… ,.‹----››...,,,_
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………………………… ¯' - .,_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_, . - *'
………………………………... ¯' * ^ • - - - - - - • ^ * '¯

Alright, so like I said before, notepad with Arial 9 font is best for viewing these. Please comment!
Old February 11, 2010, 07:45:46 PM
Sphinx Sphinx is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Posts: 196

Awesome! I challenge you to make the pokemon logo!
Old February 12, 2010, 04:24:03 AM
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Magmaster12 Magmaster12 is offline
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Good job.

So you're a Houston Rockets fan?
Old February 13, 2010, 12:10:57 AM
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SK SK is offline
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Originally Posted by Wyvern View Post
Awesome! I challenge you to make the pokemon logo!
I should do that, haha. O_O Maybe this or next weekend.

Originally Posted by Magmaster12 View Post
Good job.

So you're a Houston Rockets fan?
Yes, a very big Houston Rockets fan.
Old February 14, 2010, 02:41:26 PM
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Cat333Pokémon Cat333Pokémon is offline

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Ooh, shiny artwork. I can see them quite well on this topic.
Old February 14, 2010, 03:19:11 PM
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Shiny? O_O
Old February 14, 2010, 08:06:53 PM
Sphinx Sphinx is offline
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Originally Posted by SK View Post
Shiny? O_O
Yes, do you not see the art sparkling?
Old February 15, 2010, 01:17:33 PM
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Nope, it's just... There. :O

Maybe I can do an optical illusion in ASCII or something.

Also, I'm currently working on a Torchic.

Last edited by SK; February 15, 2010 at 01:17:53 PM.

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